README.txt.html | PmwContribD Contributed Tk Mega-Widgets
TODO.html | PmwContribD To Do List
AnimatedFileIcon | A file icon which can be used by the TreeNavigator.
AnimatedFolder | A folder icon which can be used by the TreeNavigator.
AnimatedIcon | Base class for icons to be used by the TreeNavigator.
CanvasGroup | A subclass of Canvas.Group that knows how to do bbox.
ConnectedBox | A HandledBox which can be connected to another HandledBox.
DelayedCreatePage | Subclassable version of the page for a Pmw.NoteBookR.
DisplayField | Widget to display a value with a label.
FontChooserDialog | A dialog class for choosing a font specification.
GuiAppD | GUI application framework providing many common GUI services.
HandledBox | A canvas object subclassed from ShadowBox, which adds handles.
HelpTree | Use the NavigableTree class to build a HelpTree class.
MCScrolledListBox | Multi-column scrolled list box.
NavigableTree | Tree data structure to be used with TreeNavigator widget.
OptionColorButton | Button which controls a color chooser dialog.
OptionFontButton | Button which controls a font chooser dialog.
OptionFontSelector | Font selector dialog.
OptionToggle | Special toggle button for use in option dialogs.
PipeOutputWindow | Display output of a piped command with optional colorization.
PrefsDialog | Preferences dialog used by GuiAppD.
ProgressDialog | A Pmw style dialog for showing the progress being made on a task.
ProgressMeter | A Pmw style widget for showing the progress being made on a task.
ScrolledST | Scrolled StructuredText display widget.
ShadowBox | A canvas object which draws a box around something.
SimpleTable | Defines a basic (rather memory intensive) table widget.
StructuredText | Structured Text Manipulation
Table | A Table widget for displaying tabular data.
TagAttributeChooserDialog | Dialog for defining all of the attributes of a text tag style.
TestCases | PmwContribD Source Documentation: TestCases
TreeExplorer | For exploring the contents of a tree data structure.
TreeNavigator | A Pmw style widget for navigating the contents of a tree data structure.
UserPrefs | User preference management.
colormath | Functions to compute color shadows, light and dark.
cvsversion | Get the CVS version information based on the $Name: r2_0_1 $ token.
displaygrid | A widget to display a collection of sequences in a grid.
geometrystring | Geometry string parser for Tkinter.
marquee | Utility functions/classes for dealing with marquee screen
setup | Distutils setup file for PmwContribD
ts_regex | Provide a thread-safe interface to regex