A Pmw style widget for showing progress being made on a task.
Progress is displayed by color-filling a circle. It is
also possible to show the progress using a text representation,
including the elapsed time.
finishvalue When the progress reaches this value the color
fill should reach 100%.
indicatorcolor Color to use to display the text progress
indicator value.
indicatorformat Format string showing the indicator
information desired. Potential values are:
elapsedtime The amount of clock time which has passed
since starting processing (when progress was last reset to 0).
estimatedtime The full amount of time which will have to
elapse before progress will reach 100% at the current rate of
finishvalue The finishvalue associated with the widget
which represents 100% progress.
percentdone Percent of the whole which has been
processed. This is calculated based on the current progress
value vs. the finishvalue .
progress The actual progress value given by the caller of
the updateProgress method.
remainingtime The amount of time left which will have to
elapse before progress will reach 100% at the current rate of
ratetime The amount of time which must elapse to make 1%
progress. This value is used to calculate remainingtime .
ipadx=0 Internal X padding for component separation.
ipady=0 Internal Y padding for component separation.
progresscolor Color which fills meter as progress is
shadowthickness Width of the beveled edge around the fill
createProgressMeterCanvas ( self, parent )
Create arcs and ovals instead of rectangles.
drawProgressMeter ( self, percentDone )
Draw the arcs with the correct extent.